Hydroelectrometallurgy Center

Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy


Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy

Our Activities

  • modification and precise implementation of electrolytic copper refining technology
  • modification and improvement of hydrometallurgical methods of processing zinc raw materials
  • new technologies for obtaining and refining metals accompanying copper and zinc ores
  • new technologies for obtaining and refining precious metals
  • hydrometallurgical processing of semi-finished products, waste and secondary raw materials of the non-ferrous metals industry and other industries

  • research on new drainage techniques
  • application of solvent extraction and ion exchange in hydrometallurgy of non-ferrous metals
  • cognitive and basic research in the field of non-ferrous metal hydrometallurgy and electrochemistry, including chemical engineering
  • performing expertise and giving opinions in the field of hydrometallurgy

We carry out RD work in the field

  • hydrometallurgy of copper, zinc and associated metals
  • electrorefining and electrolysis of metals and electrode processes
  • ion exchange
  • liquid ion exchange extraction
  • recovery and refining of precious metals and synthesis of salts of these metals
  • inorganic chemistry, including the synthesis of inorganic salts
  • production of high-purity rhenium compounds


Research Groups


Leader: Dorota Kopyto

tel: 32 23 80 417

e-mail: dorota.kopyto@imn.lukasiewicz.gov.pl


Leader: Grzegorz Benke

tel: 32 23 80 677

e-mail: grzegorz.benke@imn.lukasiewicz.gov.pl



Electrochemical Laboratory

The Electrochemical Laboratory carries out work in the field of separation of metals from post-process solutions of the copper and zinc industry, obtained as a result of the processing and recovery of other metals in technological lines.

It specializes mainly in the recovery and electrodeposition of lead from leaching solutions, including those containing mineral acids, carboxylic acids and alkalis.

Zasilacz SIGLENT do prowadzenia procesów elektrochemicznych

Hydrometallurgical Laboratory


Laboratory of Scaling and Modeling of Hydrometallurgical Processes

The Laboratory for Scaling and Modeling of Hydrometallurgical Processes, which is part of the Hydroelectrometallurgy Center, scales up to large laboratory and technical size
technologies developed in laboratory conditions, increasing the level of technological readiness from 2 to 5.

We use a wide range of tools to complete our tasks

zaplecze lokalizacyjne (hala technologiczna), techniczne i aparaturowe oraz doświadczenie personelu techniczno-inżynieryjnego.


Center's offer



expert opinions and reports in the field of hydrometallurgy and metal chemistry

Design services

design assumptions for newly developed and modernized technologies
research on new drainage techniques

Completed works

Cooperation with industry

In cooperation with the industry, we have implemented projects whose results have a real impact on the business results of our partners

Some of them are:

  • launching the production of low-magnesium, high-quality zinc concentrate containing <0,1 % Mg i >57,5 % Zn and the method of controlling its production process
  • launching technology for treating own return dust, with zinc recovery and production of lead concentrate suitable for recycling to the lead smelting process

  • launching an integrated desulphurization process of battery paste using the carbonate ET method along with the utilization of waste electrolyte and the production of commercial high-purity sodium sulfate
  • “management of zinc-bearing industrial waste for the production of zinc phosphate – anti-corrosion pigment”

  • development of modern technology for the production of copper cathodes while maintaining their high purity – implementation

  • selection of optimal electrode geometry in the electrorefining process
  • development of technology for producing copper cathodes with increased current density in a separate current circuit

  • launching a new technology for rhenium recovery from acids washing gases from a flash furnace
  • modernization of the production of copper cathodes with a spacing of single-name electrodes of approximately 100 mm while maintaining their high quality

  • launching the production of high-percentage platinum group concentrates from solutions after decoppering of anode sludge from silver electrorefining

  • use of zinc-lead dust from non-ferrous metallurgy as raw materials for the production of zinc chloride

  • launching the production of low-magnesium blend concentrate

Our technological and application achievements

  • modernization of the copper electrorefining process technology, aimed at obtaining cathodes of the highest purity and intensifying the process

  • development of technology for producing copper(I) oxide (Cu2O) by electrochemical method
  • development of a method for deep dechlorination and defluorination of raw zinc oxide from the processing of steel dust

  • development of technologies for the management of zinc-bearing industrial waste in the process of producing zinc chloride, recovery of zinc salts from leaching solutions with complex composition by liquid ion exchange extraction

  • developing a method for managing zinc-bearing industrial waste to produce useful zinc salts, developing a method for purifying raw nickel sulfate and recovering cobalt using the liquid ion exchange extraction technique

  • development of a hydrometallurgical method for processing lead sulphate from battery sludge
  • development of technology for electrorefining raw lead with increased bismuth and arsenic content and processing the resulting anode sludge

  • development of technologies for the recovery of gold and platinum group metals from various sources of these metals and their refining to 4N purity

  • development of an extraction method for separating and refining gold from solutions containing precious metals

  • development of a method for obtaining metallic rhodium from concentrates of noble metals containing platinum group metals,

  • recovery of platinum from solutions after decopperization of anode sludge from silver electrorefining, recovery of precious metals from post-refining waste

  • synthesis of high purity rhenium compounds
  • the use of pressure filtration for dewatering non-ferrous metal concentrates, coal and its products, gypsum, battery paste, etc.

  • the use of steam in the pressure filtration technique to reduce the final moisture of the product



The Hydroelectrometallurgy Center has laboratories adapted to conduct work in the field of:

  • leaching processes, phase separation, solution processing,
  • enrichment, synthesis and chemical analysis processes.
  • electrolysis, electrorefining of metals and electrode processes
  • recovery from secondary raw materials and refining of precious metals (gold, platinum group metals)
  • chamber-membrane filter press with 630 x 630 mm plates with adjustable membrane pressing pressure up to 12 bar, filter chamber thickness 20 to 50 mm

  • laboratory pressure autoclave with a capacity of 2 dm³, with full control of conducted experiments and automatic registration of set process parameters
  • multi-laboratory Simax apparatus for conducting leaching and vacuum filtration processes, with a capacity of . 100 dm³ and 75 dm³ leachers,
  • SIMAX vacuum evaporator with a capacity of 15 dm³ with automatic vacuum regulation,
  • a large laboratory set of mixer-settler reactors for continuous liquid ion exchange extraction processes, with a mixer capacity of 2.2 dm³ and a settler volume of 5.5 dm³,

  • laboratory equipment for continuous liquid extraction processes, with a mixer capacity of 0.5 dm³ and a settling tank of 1.5 dm³,

  • laboratory installation for testing electrorefining and electroseparation processes of metal,
  • Büchi vacuum evaporator, capacity 2 dm³, with automatic vacuum regulation,
  • quarter-technical installation for hydrometallurgical processes, with three reactors with a capacity of 120 dm³ each.

We have the equipment to conduct scientific and research work in the field of inorganic chemistry and metal chemistry, including precious metals


Customer's Satisfaction Survey

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Documents for download

Prezentacja CLAiO_PL.v.beta
Center's offer

Research groups, training offer, ADR, WSK, special production

Prezentacja Labo_22.03.2023
Offer of an accredited Laboratory

UN 38.3, electrical, mechanical, environmental and safety tests

Contact us


Centre of Hydroelectrometallurgy

Director of the Centre: Katarzyna Leszczyńska-Sejda, PhD, DSc
32 23 80 657

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