Research and analysis


Research and analysis


RoHS 2011/65/EU

Tests for compliance with the EU directive


Metallographic research

preparation of metallographic sections, etching, preparation of thin foils, macro-, micro- and nanostructure studies, qualitative and quantitative structure analysis, surface topography analysis, factual studies


Physical property testing

thermal properties tests, phase transformation tests, active thermography, electrical properties tests, arc erosion and joining resistance tests


Testing of mechanical and technological properties

tests of strength and plastic properties of materials, hardness tests, impact tests, tests of pressability and plastic anisotropy, tests and technological tests of pipes, rods and wires

3D additive manufacturing

Research on tribological properties and geometric structure of the surface

pin-on-disk tribological tests performed at room or elevated temperature, tribological tests simulating real operating conditions of tribological systems performed in a sleeve-shaft system, surface topography analysis, roughness tests


Powder research, structure research

microanalysis, powder surface modification, XRD phase analysis, density, specific surface area

Research, analysis and measurement of light metals

metallographic tests, mechanical properties tests, X-ray diffraction tests

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