Environmental Protection Center

Centre of Environmental Protection


Centre of Environmental Protection

Our activity:

We conduct research in the field of environmental analytics (measurements of pollutant emissions and identification of sources of their release, soil and water quality tests, dust concentration measurements). We also modernize technologies used for:

  • disposal of waste materials,
  • desulfurization of industrial and energy gases,
  • water and sewage treatment.

Research offer:

  • research and development work in the selection of technologies and assessment of the operation of dust removal devices: fabric filters, pulsation filters, electrostatic precipitators, wet dedusting installations,

  • work on water treatment methods and industrial wastewater treatment,
  • work on waste management and disposal technologies,
  • development of assumptions for the design of industrial and energy gas desulfurization installations, development of assumptions for the design of industrial wastewater treatment installations,

  • optimization studies of refrigeration circuits,
  • work on the modernization of existing dedusting installations and sewage treatment plants, development of documentation necessary to obtain an integrated permit and sector permits (emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, water and sewage management, waste management, etc.).


Research Groups


Research Group Leader: M.Sc. Eng.
Agnieszka Fijałkowska

phone: +48 32 23 80 366 32 23 80 249

e-mail: agnieszka.fijalkowska@imn.lukasiewicz.gov.pl



Measurement and Technology Laboratory for Gas Purification

  • measurements of dust concentration and gas volume flow in technological lines, emissions of dust, gases and individual chemical elements and compounds
  • determining the effectiveness of dust removal devices
  • testing the physico-chemical properties of dust
  • esting of the chemical composition of gases – determination of: O2, CO2, CO, NO, NOx, SO2, SO3, HCl, HF, humidity
  • testing of filter fabrics and non-wovens in terms of breathability and mechanical strength
Znak akredytacji AB 073

Analytical and Technological Laboratory for Water and Wastewater Treatment

The laboratory’s experience, facilities and equipment predispose it to carry out chemical analyses and solve technological problems related to water and wastewater treatment, including those characterized by high salinity and the presence of pollutants considered particularly harmful to the natural environment.



Center's offer

Pracownia sYNTEZY


expertise and consulting services in the field of environmental protection, reducing the release of undesirable substances from industrial plants

Completed works

Cooperation with industry

In cooperation with the industry, we have implemented projects whose results have a real impact on the business results of our partners Some of them are:

  • development of technology for dedusting gases from an electric furnace,
  • modernization of the converter electrostatic precipitator installation along with the development of a technical design for a new electrostatic precipitator,
  • development of a technology for dedusting gases from converting the Cu-Fe-Pb alloy,
  • development of optimal operating parameters of refrigeration circuits,
  • optimization of the operation of a semi-dry flue gas desulfurization installation,
  • development of technology for dedusting ventilation gases from a shaft furnace,
  • warranty measurements of gas purification devices and installations, e.g. extraction and dedusting installations of shaft furnaces,
  • development of design assumptions for the desulfurization of gases from the Cu-Fe-Pb alloy converting process,
  • optimization of the cooling cycle operation.
  • development of technology and design assumptions for desulfurization of gases from the Cu-Fe-Pb alloy converting process.
  • modernization of the converter electrostatic precipitator installation along with the development of a technical design for a new electrostatic precipitator,
  • development of dust removal technology in pulsed filters for gases from copper concentrate dryers,
  • development of the design of a wet electrostatic precipitator with PVC settling electrodes for purifying gases from the production of technical selenium.
  • development of technology and technical design for flue gas desulfurization installation using the wet lime method.
  • development of technology and technical design of an acidic sewage treatment plant,
  • development of design assumptions for the installation for desulfurization of gases from recast furnaces 
    for the production of zinc oxide.
  • development of design assumptions for sinter gas desulfurization installations,
  • development of design assumptions for the installation  deodorization of desulfurized sinter gases,
  • development of assumptions for the modernization of acidic sewage treatment plants,
  • development of carbonization technology treated industrial sewage.
  • preparation of documentation for obtaining an integrated permit



The Environmental Protection Department is equipped with control and measurement equipment and experimental installations. Among them it is worth mentioning:

  • installation for testing gas desulfurization processes,
  • refrigeration cycle model with a fan cooling tower,
  • gas analysis kit with the “Ultramat 23” analyzer from Siemens,
  • portable electrochemical gas analyzers,
  • installation for testing electrodialysis and diffusion dialysis processes,
  • installation for nanofiltration tests,
  • sets for gravimetric measurements of dust concentrations in gas,
  • gas volume flow measurement kits with expansion tubes and electronic differential pressure meters,
  • kits for collecting samples of pollutants from gases through filtration and absorption in liquids,
  • equipment for determining the physical properties of dust,
  • a device for measuring the breathability of fabrics by Metefem.


Customer's Satisfaction Survey

Dear Customers,
In order to ensure the highest quality of services provided by Łukasiewicz – IMN Branch in Poznań, we kindly ask you to complete a short survey. It will not take you more than 3 minutes to answer the questions. Your opinions and suggestions will be used in the process of improving the quality management system and customer service.

In order to receive reliable information, please also fill in the fields regarding your company in the survey.


Documents for download

Prezentacja CLAiO_PL.v.beta
Center's offer

Research groups, training offer, ADR, WSK, special production

Prezentacja Labo_22.03.2023
Offer of an accredited Laboratory

UN 38.3, electrical, mechanical, environmental and safety tests

Contact us


Centre of Environmental Protection

Director of the Center: Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Rajczykowski
32 23 80 267

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